Language Class

Language Class

The Language Unit

What happens in the Language class?

  • Individual goals for the student are developed together with the student, parent, teachers, speech and language therapists. The family-centred goals aim to encourage:
  • Access to the curriculum
  • Social and emotional development
  • Communication development
  • Students follow the appropriate mainstream curriculum with the exception of Irish.
  • Teachers and speech and language therapists work together in the class to support the students learning language to successfully access the curriculum.
  • Students may also require small group or individual speech and language therapy sessions to help them achieve their goals.
  • Parent involvement is a key part of achieving students’ goals. Parents are required to attend group and individual parent meetings to support the student’s progress at home.
  • The school team may recommend relevant referrals and liaise with other professionals.

Information for Applications 23/24

Information regarding Referrals 24/25

Referral & Consent Form

School Report Form

Communication Questionnaires

St. Mark's Junior School,
Dublin 24,

01 451 2076

© 2024 St. Mark's Junior School