Intercultural Week

Intercultural Week

This was organised by both the Irish and English committees and was a great success. The children participated in Céilí dancing and performed dances from other countries. Stories from Ireland and around the world were read to the children.

The children learned about lots of different countries and displayed lovely projects about these on the corridors. All the children produced lots of lovely art including, flags from their own countries, St. Patrick’s Day art and Celtic designs. Lots of children brought in items from their own countries and participated in “Show and Tell”by teaching their class mates about their particular country.

Each morning a child spoke over the intercom about their country and played music which was very enjoyable for the rest of us to listen to.

We celebrated with a Dress up Intercultural Day/Bunny Bop. All staff and children were encouraged to dress up and wear traditional dress, colours or jerseys from their own counties or countries. This was a great success and it was great fun for both staff and children.

An intercultural coffee morning was run also, which was very successful with a great turn out. We enjoyed tasting lots of various foods from around the world.

St. Mark's Junior School,
Dublin 24,

01 451 2076

© 2025 St. Mark's Junior School