Green Schools
Litter and waste is the first theme of the green schools programme. The theme is a great starting point for encouraging a sense of personal pride and responsibility in tackling two visible issues in schools and communities.
We, the green school committee will endeavour to work together with the staff and students of St.Mark’s J.N.S, to reduce litter and waste being sent to landfill, by increasing recycling.
It is our mission to raise awareness of the problem areas in school, highlight the benefit of a greener school and introduce a recycling programme that will achieve this.

Let's make St.Mark’s a greener place.
Top tips for recycling:
-Ask whether you really NEED the product before you buy.
-Say NO to plastic bags, use reusable bags instead.
-Buy products that have less packaging and highlight the issue to suppliers.
-Use a lunchbox instead of cling film or tin foil and reusable drinks bottles.
-Make sure you use the double sided facility on the photocopier. -Use waste paper for art or as scrap paper.
-Re-use old bottles, jars and containers for storage or for use in art class.
-Bring re-usable bags when you go shopping.
-Swap clothes, books, video games and music with friends instead of throwing them away.